Monday, August 16, 2010

Parents of signing children?

My son is 2 1/2 I have been teaching him sign from 6 months old . My question is

Is this normal He has alot of problems making handshapes and copying what you are doing with your fingers

He tries but often fails to make a ''y'' OR Hold down fingers to make certain signs

Now I don't have great flexability with my fingers and have pain sometimes holding certain signs

Do you think he is like me and just ahs a hard time making the shapes he know what he is suppose to do and if its a non finger holding sign he can do it

He also remembers word for word the verbal cue he is given to learn the sign

Like he'll say for panda show the eye markings and do it but not be able to make the ''p'' shape

I know I am suppose to look for sign approximations but I see children much younger than him making these shapes with there hands ? ANY THOUGHTS?

Parents of signing children?pop up blocker

don't worry -he's young and doens't have the finger dexterity to do the signing perfectly. We teach sign in our preschool and it's more approximate - I agree with you that some signs are harder for me than others because of pain in the hands and fingers! My granddaughter has a hard time with y and uses her other hand to get her fingers down and will say ''this one is tricky'' - it's just their age. It will come - just go with approximation at this time in his life and work on perfecting as he is able.

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