Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why do my corycats die?

Ok I got a 2.5 gal tank a few months ago. I got three guppies and a sterba corycat. The tank cycled (which I was not informed it would do) the catfish died, and I DO know why... The tank is definitely done cycling (water was tested) so I got a panda corycat. About two weeks later it died very suddenly. Why?

PS: I need a cat in my tank bc my guppies are messy eaters, so how can I get one that will not die??

PPS: Are sterba corycats more hardy than pandas??

Why do my corycats die?virus protection software

Hi, First of all the tank is to small for that many fish. Secondly Panda Cories are a very hard to keep they need different water condition and temp. than guppies do. I would first get a bigger tank and cycle it before adding any more fish. As for what kind of Cory. I would suggest you try a bronze or albino Cory. good luck with your tank.

Why do my corycats die?adware

Corys are schoaling fish and don't do well in groups of less that six. Also, a 2.5 gallon tank is way too small for corys.

Corys are very susceptible to ammonia poisoning. High levels of ammonia burn off the tentacles around their month, which they need to find food. When these tentacles burn away, they cannot eat.
because corys need more than 2.5 gallons and need to be in groups.

They also need to be seperatly fed. (like all other fish)
Thats really too small of a tank to keep that many fish in. Does the cory cat have a lot of places to hide? The fish might be dying because it is stessed about being trapped in such a small body of water.

How often do you test your water? The water could go bad very quickly in a small tank like that.

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