Friday, August 20, 2010

Omg.... any LOST fans?? i am confuzzedled!!?

Ok im confuzzled about last thursdays lost... It showed jin giving the panda to his wife or something... He was dead though.... Ahh!!! I dont know what im talking about....

And who was that janitor on that ship with sayid and them??

Omg.... any LOST fans?? i am confuzzedled!!?norton 2008

I think Walt is on the freighter. He's the one banging the pipes like Sayid heard.

Also, The helicopter went to the 2nd island. But not sure for what.

And Jinster is alive. Everyone know Sun is not crazy %26 wouldn't call out Jin's name like she did in labor. He's on the island!

Since Ben has Michael working for him %26 Michael says don't trust the captain, I think they should.

Ben is a sneak %26 Michael will do whatever it takes to get away w/ Walt.

Omg.... any LOST fans?? i am confuzzedled!!?pop up blocker

quick_sa... is completely right she just said it all
Dudee everyone is confused about this episode

Lots of people are agreeing that Jins flashs were flashBACKS.

While suns were flashFORWARDS.

And dudee! the janitor was MICHAEL!! Walts father....

He and walt left at the end of the second season, and we all though he was long gone even though we kinda figuire dit was hm that was bens spy on the ship.
The Panda Jin was getting, was for when he was still working for Sun's father. So he brought the Panda to the ambassador as a gift from his boss, Sun's father.....That was a flash back.

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