Friday, August 20, 2010


How come they did flashbacks and flash forwards??? Did they not just waste our time showing us the JIN and panda story??? What was the point of making us think that he was trying to get to Sun having the baby, and then he was dead at the end. If the whole point of showing Jin and the panda was to make us think he was trying to get to Sun and then they bring the zinger at the end saying he is dead, dont you feel like this was a waste of time and possibly the worst episode of lost ever???

LOST THIS WEEK SUN/JIN episode???spyware remover

It most certainly was not a waste of time, and last night's episode is being raved as one of the best of the season so far. Now, let me explain why Jin's flashback in the episode was not ''a waste of time.''

Yes, there was a bit of trickery involved in doing both a flashback and a flash foward in the episode, but I know the majority believe that it was incorporated very well.

If you remember in the beginning of the series, Jin and Sun's relationship was not very ideal. Jin was overbearing and emotionally detached from Sun. Of course, it was not entirely his fault as he did not used to be that way before the two wed.

Jin was under incredible pressure from Sun's father, Mr. Paik to become an honourable person worth of Sun's affections (much in the same way Desmond felt about Penny's father). To find honour, he went to work for Mr. Paik doing various dirty and dishonourable deeds. It took an emotional toll on him and it all resulted in the distance that grew between him and his wife. This is the Jin we see when Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the Island, and the Jin that Sun cheated on and almost left for good at the airport.

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