Monday, August 16, 2010

Could this tropical freshwater community work?

For a 20 gallon aquarium, I want:

1 Dwarf or Pea Puffer

2 Male Guppies

4 Female Guppies

5 Platies

4 Ghost Shrimp

8 Neon Tetras

3 Panda Cory Cats

Are there any fish I shouldn't get? I know this tank will be way overstocked, I am going to moniter my Ammonia very closely and stay on top of the water changes. I have made a shopping cart at an online aquarium supply store and just to let you know how well set up this tank will be, I even bought a refugium for the livebearer fry, of which I plan to give almost all away to a pet store nearby. It will be a planted tank with a piece of driftwood and a big rock. Will this tank work? Please answer!

Could this tropical freshwater community work?nortonantivirus

The puffer's not a good idea, as the previous poster said, they will probably eat the shrimp and any snails you may have. Other than that, he or she may also go after your fish, especially the guppies' long flowing fins. If you do get one, be sure to watch out for bullying by the puffer, and round or half-moon-shaped bite marks on your other fish. Also, you may want to keep a spare 5-10gal tank that you can put the puffer in if a problem does arise. Finally, the puffer won't be very healthy if fed on flakes or pellets, so you're going to have to get some frozen blood worms for him.

And finally, finally, you might want to check out the pufferpedia at and familiarize yourself with what the different puffers look like, as most fish stores don't know anything about puffers, and will label them incorrectly. Last thing you want to end up with is a GSP that grows 6'' long and needs high end brackish to salt water as it matures.

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